Tuesday, April 26, 2011

30 before 30

To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else.  ~Emily Dickinson

It's finally here, my 30 before 30!  This is something my real life friend at emyselfandi started last year and, without having a blog to post to, I particpated in spirit.  But now I have a blog and something to keep me accountable.  So here we go:

  1. Grow my hair to my waist
  2. Learn to play the cello
  3. Milk a cow
  4. Swim with dolphins
  5. Go to Mardi Gras
  6. Organize my photos and scrapbook as appropriate
  7. Take a road trip across the country 
  8. Keep a regular journal and write in it at least once a week for a year
  9. Take a digital photography class
  10. Help build a house
  11. Attend a multi-day music festival like Bonnaroo or Warped Tour
  12. Learn another language
  13. See the Arnolfini Portrait in person
  14. Read one book every week for a year
  15. Learn to paint
  16. Go to the Kentucky Derby and wear a big hat
  17. Go to the Olympics
  18. See the Aurora Borealis in person
  19. Attend an Indian wedding ceremony
  20. Visit Haiti, Italy, and Africa
  21. Take a dance class at a studio in New York
  22. Learn to crab and then use my skills
  23. Drive the entirety of the Pan American highway
  24. Spend time working/volunteering in an orphanage overseas
  25. Ride in a hot air balloon
  26. See all the classic movies in AFI's top 100 movies
  27. Fly by myself
  28. Go on a cruise
  29. See street art being produced
  30. Build a piece of furniture

Here's the link to Em's blog - check her list out too!  Want to play along?  Leave a comment with a link to your list (or the list itself).

Happy living!

Monday, April 25, 2011

My new friend Tom

I've been told that while living on your own, you often acquire more stuff than you realize or desire.  I learned this first hand when I made that final move from college and discovered I had more shoes, clothes, and furniture than I knew what to do with.

But one piece of "furniture" I thought I'd never acquire - a drum.  Em came home one night last week heavy laden with a mid tom from a drum set.  A co-worker had given it to her stating someone was giving it away and he thought she might like it.

Tom has seemed to find a permanent residence in the space between the kitchen table and the desk in the entry way/living room/dining area of the apartment.  I've taken to beating on him when I need luck while Em finds it more therapeutic to give him a few knocks when she's frustrated.  Who knew his rustic appearance and baritone voice would have won us over so easily.

Moving out, I knew I'd acquire more material things than I wanted, which is a bit annoying as I was hoping moving into a smaller place would help me downsize and be more choosy when making purchases.  Despite how it might sound, Tom is a welcome addition to our new place.  (I'm thinking we should get visitors to sign him in Sharpie).  After all, it's not often a new guy comes into your life, is always there when you need him, and willing sits while you beat him.  I think this could be the start of a beautiful relationship.

Monday, April 11, 2011


I woke up composing this entry this morning, and although that was 12 hours ago and I know it's not going to be at all like it started this morning, the fact that I've been thinking about it that long probably means it really needs to be written. 

I need a new job.  I know you're thinking "Already?  But didn't you just start this job and think it was the best thing ever?"  The answer is yes to both questions.  I guess it just goes to show you don't know what you're in for, or what you like, until you try it.  But I now know I don't like this.

I'm not used to having to meet numbers, and I've never had a job that requires me to sit for hours on end.  I'm used to planning and executing things, moving around, being proactive and interacting face to face with customers.  The desire to call in for work today started at 10pm last night - but I made it though all 8 hours (but just barely).  The pull to leave early each day weighs on me and while I want more than anything to follow in the steps of one of my coworkers who just hasn't shown up for work in the last week, I just don't have it in me.  My parents both have strong work ethics and (luckily) I inherited that trait.

Although he got up every day and kept plugging away at it, my dad hated his job and beginning probably as soon as I have memories I remember him telling me to get a job I liked.  That has become my mantra and, as a result, it might make it seem like I'm being a princess about my job(s).  But really, the thought of being roped into a work experience just for the benefits terrifies me.  I saw a lot of things in my dad after he retired that I never saw in him as a working adult and I don't want it to take 35 or 40 years of working for me to enjoy the majority of my waking hours.  I want to be fulfilled and make a difference and feel good about getting up in the morning.

I currently don't feel that.

So, starting tomorrow I'm updating that resume and I'm putting out feelers for something relating to my degree.  And I'm going to try my hardest not to be afraid of getting to start over somewhere new (because chances of me finding anything in my small hometown are shrinking more as time goes on).  Em and I talked about it last night and agreed that it never hurts to try and see where things go.  Wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Love [begins] blind

Last night provided a much needed break from my normal routine.  Instead of attending a meeting or get-together of some variety (like I did literally every night last week), I spent the evening chatting it up with a stranger on a blind date.  He's not a total stranger I guess, but rather a co-worker of one of my good friends who treated me with drinks and dinner.  We gallivanted downtown, played some pool (where I proved myself a worthy opponent), and delved into some pretty intense conversational topics.  And I was out past my bedtime.  All in all a good night.

It was exciting meeting up with someone I didn't know (and who I'm fairly certain I'll never see again, seeing as how he's headed up north for a new job tomorrow), and of course it's always nice to get to talk about yourself with someone you don't know.  You get that chance to present yourself in your best light, omitting some things and making yourself seem as you wish you were.  Not only did the evening present me with a chance to meet someone new but I also tried some new things, including calamari and mixing jack and ginger ale (both good choices).

While it was a successful evening and I had a good time, there were some topics we clearly disagreed on (topics I'm not willing to bend with).  But I think it's ok, maybe in some cases better, to be able to more readily describe undesirable qualities in a mate than something you'd enjoy.  I know what I'm not looking for, but whoever I'm fortunate enough to share life with will surely have qualities that surprise and delight me daily, qualities I didn't even know I wanted in a husband.

It was refreshing to be pursued, albeit for a short time, and treated to a night out.  Here's to another life experience, another story to tell.  (On that note, I promise that 30 before 30 list is coming soon!)