Sunday, March 6, 2011


Today was my first "official" day on the job, getting up before the sun (at least until daylight savings time begins/ends...I don't know which one makes the days last longer) and trying extra hard to adhere to my schedule.  Nothing terribly notable on the whole except the occasional "you people" calls and the cute old ladies who end my day on a good note.

After work I headed to St. John's for youth Sunday.  I missed going to COR for normal Sunday morning service, and having to work today makes it feel too much like a normal weekday for my liking.  Now I'm never going to know what day it is.  St. John's is more structured than COR and actually attending service instead of just helping with the youth is going to take some getting used to.  Lots of ups and downs and repeating together.  But we are able to take communion every week and I'm pretty sure that is one of, if not my absolute favorite, part of church.  There's something about people approaching the same table, treated the same regardless of age, race, or station in life, standing with open hands, expectantly waiting to receive. 

Youth Sunday was so good and I was so proud.  All the youth groups participated by cooking the meal, leading the songs, even giving the main talk.  Instead of having traditional youth group this evening we had a "congregational conversation," where youth and adults sat in groups and discussed questions that had been submitted at last years meeting.  It was impressive (as always) getting to hear the kids thoughts on things.  Watching the kids step up and take leadership roles makes me super happy.  I did get asked, however, by one of the older ladies after the service if I was a mom of one of the kids - I hope I don't look that old.

Another day of work tomorrow followed by grocery shopping, checkbook balancing and ballet teaching.  Stoked about Tuesday, my first day off in over a week.  But for now I'm off to enjoy a half hour of Forrest Gump before crashing at my new old lady bedtime of 10pm.  I'm awesome.

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